Friday, February 2, 2007

Porter jailed for indiscriminate defecation

Hohoe, Feb. 2 GNA- A Hohoe Margistrate Court on Thursday sentenced Mohammed Ganiwu, a 32-year old porter who defecated in a shed at the Hohoe Central Market, to three years imprisonment.The convict who attempted to bribe security men to set him free him, when he was caught committing the offence, pleaded guilty to causing public nuisance.
Prosecuting, Police Chief Inspector Emmanuel Kpodo told the Court presided over by Ms Janet Awo Bakudie that on November 6, last year, Ganiwu, a resident of Hohoe Zongo, was arrested by security men of the market for defecating in one of the market sheds.

The prosecutor said when Ganiwu offered 55,000 cedis as bribe to the security men to set him free, they declined the offer and rather handed over the convict to the police.Ganiwu told the court that the public place of convenience was overcrowded so he decided to defecate into a polythene bag at the shed.Ms Bakudie sentencing him said Ganiwu's conduct was a breach of the sanitation law adding that the imprisonment would serve as deterrent to people such intention.
Feb. 2, 07